By Kristen Levine, Reporter
On May 10, the Princeton Fire Department acted fast and rescued one-year-old Everly Millette after receiving a call for a child suffering an allergic reaction.
“[The Princeton Fire Department] response was the difference here,” said Janna Millette, mother of Everly. “It was the worst moment of my life and they were there in record time. They were so accommodating and caring, and it made a terrifying experience as positive as it could have.”
Dispatched to the scene were David Wiggins, paramedic, Zachary Algarin, fire captain and paramedic, and Sara Wozniack, firefighter and EMT on the ambulance. Bill Dino, advanced life support coordinator, captain and paramedic, Phil Connors, fire captain and EMT, and Fire Chief and EMT John Bennett also responded to the scene. The crew dispatched to the scene within three minutes. Bennett was personally familiar with the family, as they are neighbors.
Arriving at the scene, the crew found the one-year-old girl in severe allergic distress.
“I’ll be honest, I gasped,” Bennett stated in the official incident write-up. “[There was] obvious severe swelling of facial features and the fact that this family is my neighbor.”
Janna Millette stated she found her daughter in an alarming condition after going to wake the child from a nap. Everly had no known allergies or medical conditions to cause such severe reactions. Her lips were inflated, her eyes were swollen shut, and she had a swollen tongue and labored breathing.
“The poor mother also had her preschool son in tow,” Bennett said. “[She was] obviously shaken and needed our assistance ASAP.”
Without wasting time, the responder crew jumped into action with treatment.
“The child was immediately given epinephrine and transported to the trauma center at UMass Medical Center,” Bennett said. Epinephrine, a medication commonly used to treat anaphylactic shock for patients in allergic distress, improved Everly’s condition immediately while she was in transport. Everly’s mother and her brother Bodie Millette were taken along for the ride to UMass, supported by the responders as Everly was treated.
Thanks to the quick response and treatment, Everly is now fully recovered with an epi-pen prescription in case of future emergencies.
“The little girl is doing great. The ER trauma doctors credited Princeton’s crew for being on scene in a rapid fashion,” Bennett said. “Treating the child immediately and supporting the mother and her son with emotional support and care.”

Left to right: Paramedic David Wiggins, Everly Millette, Janna Millette, Don Millette, Bodie Millette, Captain Zachary Algarin
CREDIT: Kristen Levine