By Corey Burnham-Howard, EAC
Princeton Moves Forward with PFAS Information Sharing Plan
Responding to inquiries from residents, the Town of Princeton’s Selectboard has drafted a PFAS Information Sharing Plan. The Selectboard has asked the Town’s Environmental Action Committee (EAC) to provide support for sharing information with town residents with regard to the Town’s PFAS response program and PFAS generally.
EAC member Matt Charpentier will serve as the EAC’s liaison to the Selectboard and Town Administrator regarding PFAS. Drawing from the periodic reports filed by Tighe & Bond with MassDEP, Matt will prepare a summary of information (in coordination with Tighe & Bond), to be made available to residents on a periodic basis no less frequent than quarterly by the Selectboard and Town Administrator.
The EAC may choose to develop more general educational information to share with the public (e.g., in newsletters, public meetings) on topics such as water quality testing and PFAS generally. Notably, the EAC will not become a clearinghouse for resident input about the program being implemented by the Town, but rather the Selectboard and Town Administrator will remain the points of contact for resident inquiries and comments about the actions being implemented, the legal requirements of Chapter 21E, and the obligations of the Licensed Site Professional under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan regulations adopted by MassDEP.
The Selectboard and Town Administrator will schedule periodic public information sessions for town residents to ask questions about the status and strategy for implementation of the PFAS response program. The most recent of these public information sessions was held on July 12, 2021 at 7p. A recording of the information session is available on the Town’s website.
For more information, contact Corey Burnham-Howard, Town of Princeton Environmental Action Committee
[email protected]