By Alison Sullivan, Editor in Chief

The Wachusett Regional School District began their school year on Tuesday, August 31. Children aged five and above, staff, and visitors are required to wear masks in schools pursuant with the August 25 statewide mandate set by Massachusetts Education Commissioner Jeff Riley.
In the August 18 Superintendent’s presentation to the School Committee, Superintendent Darryll McCall stated that, “The priority for the 2021-2022 school year is to have students safely back in-person, full-time, and attending five days a week.”
According to the August 18 presentation, the mask requirement is part of a layered Covid prevention strategy that also includes in-school testing (pooled and rapid), quarantining individuals who test positive, contacting affected individuals, distancing protocols while eating, adjustments to performing arts and athletics, and increased ventilation and personal protective equipment. This plan will be reviewed monthly, and the Massachusetts statewide school mask mandate is currently in effect through at least October 1.
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